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Members with accounts over 24 hours old are encouraged to click into the Introduction Area category to say hello!
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New Introduction Area
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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: New Introduction Area
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We thought we'd add an area where new members could say hello to everyone and leave a brief message about themselves.

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Posted:     Post subject: Um, Hi, I guess........

Hi. Um, my name is Josh. I am a diehard atheist. I have been ever since I first hear the word God. Um, I am very horrible at sociallizing and introductions in particular. Um, My favorite novels are 1984, Brave New World, CLockwork Orange, Animal Farm, and American Gods. Hmmm..... Um, I don't know what else to say. Someone help me out with this, PLEASE!


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April 5, 2008
Posts: 15

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`Hello all. I grew up here where coming out as an atheist can be as traumatic as coming out as gay. Most of us here keep out non-belief to ourselves and it's usually by accident that you find out one of your co-workers is a closet atheist.

Anyway, as my profile says, I'm an atheist left-wing-libertarian scuba diving biker. I haven't found too many people who have similar interests - other than my too sons. And only one of them bikes & dives.

I've done a lot of reading JOsh, but I don't recognize America Gods. care to comment on it?

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Posted:     Post subject:

Hi! I'm Alex. I'm a 19 year old college student. I am majoring in Biology, possibly switching to Geology. I'm an Atheist, obviously. I'm pretty politically active (Center for Inquiry, Secular Student Alliance, World Can't Wait, REVCOM, etc). Although it may seem by the groups I affiliate with that I'm a looney commie/liberal, I'm actually pretty moderate. Its just hard to meet a moderate person who is Atheist for some reason! As of right now, I'm kind of the president of our unofficial FreeThink club, but I haven't registered or anything because, you know, school is busy.

I'm not much of a reader as I am extremely picky on what I read, but books I have read that I could actually stand were: Brave New World, Ape in Essence both by Huxley, Godless (Not Anne Coulter, Pete Hautman!), The Witches by Roald Dahl, then just nonfiction stuff... I tried to read the Golden Compass but I'm just not into fantasy type books.

Anyway, I'm just here to meet some people who have the same ideas as I do... how narrow of me! haha

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April 5, 2008
Posts: 15

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Greetings jellyfishgirl. I'm implying with your user name that you're a cnidarian fan. Here on the east coast, our most common are the sea nettle, lions mane and moon jelly. We also have a collection of ctenophores. When I'm out sorkeling or diving, or even standing on a peir, I can watch these beauties undulate for hours.

Until my air runs of course.

I also agree with you that liberal atheists seem to be hard to find.

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April 19, 2008
Posts: 4

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Hello Josh and everyone else. My name is Jess. I like to have serious or funny conversations on religion and other stuff. I pretty much am intrested in almost everything,so I'd be happy yappin and joking about any subject.

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April 25, 2008
Posts: 1

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`Hello, my name is hokka. I am an atheist, have been since age 12. As it happens 90% of the people I know are christians. They won't talk to me any more about religion. They really hate the questions I ask. I have never used a chat room and I may break some of the rules of netiquette. Please tell me if I do. I am a happily married woman, age 56. I would like very much to be able to chat with someone who shares the same views as me. I only go on the internet about once every day or two. I would to hear from you.

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June 2, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Hello everyone! I just joined today & look forward to communicating with other free thinkers. I could only find 2 profiles of women in my area that matched my preference & I was quite open minded with most of the criteria. Hopefully more will join soon! Peace, love & palmtrees!

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April 27, 2008
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Live From Indiana, It's Tuesday Afternoon
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"My name is Eric and I'm an Atheist."

Oh My Goodness! I said it!

As the SNL-spoofing subject line reads, I'm in Indiana, born and raised in LaPorte County. I work midnights on a railroad. I'm currently reading Losing Faith in Faith by Dan Barker. An online freind has recommended Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, so that one's next.

I was Catholic by birth, Baptist by marriage, Spiritualist by curiosity. I'm now atheist by reason. If anyone would want to talk with about anything, write me: I won't bite.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Greetings, I'm Stephen.

I'm an artist residing in Kenosha, WI. I'm attending university here for digital design. But for a town with a state university, the folks here are overwhelmingly religious. I don't generally mind the religious, however most of these ones are the crazy sort. Suffice to say, dating is a challenge. So here I find myself.

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June 29, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Hugz All Around!
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Hello everyone, I am theDuchovnik... as you can see. And, ah well, obviously I'm a godless atheist *woohoo!* and I am depserate for other atheist friends. Not much in my city, at least, the ones worth hanging around with...

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July 14, 2008
Posts: 18

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`Hi everyone. I'm Picco. I am, of course, an atheist. I am from Connecticut have been very active in the Connecticut Valley Atheists (CVA) forum. A few days ago, I had this crazy idea of creating an Atheist calendar to showcase who we atheists are.

CVA is dedicated to improving the negative image of atheists. I thought a tasteful calendar of some attractive atheists might speak volumes.

Anyway, I came mostly to chat and to talk about religion, atheism or whatever the topic gets to.

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July 14, 2008
Posts: 18

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Hugz All Around!
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duchovnik wrote: Hello everyone, I am theDuchovnik... as you can see. And, ah well, obviously I'm a godless atheist *woohoo!* and I am depserate for other atheist friends. Not much in my city, at least, the ones worth hanging around with...

Hi welcome. There's new movie out on X Files. Let's go.

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May 14, 2009
Posts: 1

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`Hey Ya'll, I'm Ben. I live in bible belt North Carolina. Everyone around me claims to be affiliated with some type of religion. There sure ain't enough free thinkers in this area. I currently am in school to become a paramedic. I am currently employed as an EMT-Basic with a private ambulance service, I also work part time as a 911 telecommunicator for the county I live in. People have the nerve to question my compassion within the career path I have chosen. This is really ridiculous but, whatever. I hope to meet people with the same views as I have. Did I mention I was an atheist?

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July 7, 2009
Posts: 1

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`Hey guys and gals, Phil here way out in Utah. Yep, Mormon central. Suffice it to say that there are very few people out here who fall under the categorys of "athiest" and "good person'', it's usually one or the other. I have a small group of buds here at college who I can relate to, but damned if I will ever be able to find a girl in this whole State who I can relate to, So I am out looking for more easygoing disbeleivers like myself. Maybe I just might find someone to talk to.

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